Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the SCD League 2024 Fall tournament for the age group.
Boys U10 Dev C2 SCD 7 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A1 Sterling Advanced Futbol Club
Sterling AFC - U10 Gold (2015) Boys F24
SC12-01CB15-0014   Jonathan Argueta
 A2 Milford United Soccer Club
Milford United-Fall 24 - U10 Boys White
SC0I-01CB15-0002   Shindler Auguste
 A3 Wallingford Youth Soccer
Wallingford U10 Devo Boys - F24
SC05-01CB15-0011   Vinicius Lelis
 A4 Cheshire Soccer Club
Cheshire SC White BU10 FA 24
SC07-01RB15-0008   Thomas Brown
 A5 Coginchaug Soccer Club
Coginchaug U10 Boys F24
SC01-01CB15-0005   Louis Gold
 A6 Prospect Soccer Club
Prospect U10 Boys White F24
SC0L-01CB15-0008   Joseph Manion
 A7 Seymour Soccer Association Inc.
Seymour U10 Boys F24
SC0O-01CB15-0001   Kevin Pedersen